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How do I place an order?
Orders are all placed through our website. We do not go through any third party unless we personally direct you to them.
Payment and Shipping
We accept Paypal, Credit/Debit, and Cash. We ship through USPS flat rate shipping which is 3-5 business days, includes insurance and tracking numbers.
Shipment Days
Our main shipment days are only on MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY for faster shipping. We occasionally ship on Thursday, depending on your location.
Returns & Refunds
We accept Returns and Exchange. We guaranteed a 5 day return or exchange and buyers pay return shipping. Once item is received, return or exchange will be given.
Receiving Damaged or Issues with the goods
If upon arrival, your items have been compromised in any way, please contact us IMMEDIATELY. Take pictures of the compromised item and send it to us via email so that we can resolve the issue.
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